Clinician's Brief: The Podcast podkast

A Heart-to-Heart on Canine Mitral Valve Disease with Dr. Lake-Bakaar

Do tyłu o 15 sekund
Do przodu o 15 sekund

Does your heart start to race when you identify a new murmur in your canine patients? In this episode of Clinician’s Brief Partner Podcast, host Dr. Beth Molleson gets advice from veterinary cardiologist Dr. Geri Lake-Bakaar on how to navigate myxomatous mitral valve disease, the most common heart disease in dogs. Dr. Lake-Bakaar shares valuable insights into diagnosing, staging, and monitoring heart disease in general practice and shares tips for distinguishing respiratory disease from congestive heart failure.

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The Team:

  • Beth Molleson, DVM - Host
  • Sarah Pate - Producer & Project Manager, Brief Studio
  • Randall Stupka - Podcast Production & Sound Editing

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