Change Agents with Andy Stumpf podkast

The Strange Legacy of Nazi Drug Programs: MKUltra, Hitler, Meth and More (with Norman Ohler)

Do tyłu o 15 sekund
Do przodu o 15 sekund
On today's episode, Andy sits down with German author, journalist, and screenwriter Norman Ohler. Norman is best known for his non-fiction book Blitzed: Drugs in Nazi Germany, which explores the widespread use of drugs by Adolf Hitler, the German military, and the Nazi regime during World War II. Published in 2015, the book became an international bestseller and was translated into multiple languages. His latest novel Tripped: Nazi Germany, The CIA and the Dawn of the Psychedelic Age explores the links between Nazi Germany, the CIA, and the rise of psychedelics. More recently, Norman has focused research on LSD and its potential to treat conditions like Alzheimer’s disease.  Change Agents is an IRONCLAD Original Sponsors: SPONSORS: Firecracker Farm Use code IRONCLAD to get 15% off your first order at Allegiance Gold Go to to get exclusive lowest pricing on the market for select gold bars or call (844) 790-9191 to talk to an account representative. MTNTOUGH Use code CYBER50 at for a full year of the app for just $120 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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