Business Of Biotech podkast

Precision Drug Delivery with Ampersand Biomedicines' Jason Gardner, D.Phil.

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Ampersand Biomedicines CEO Jason Gardner, D.Phil. first took the leap from a global pharmaceutical giant to a startup at the forefront of transplant medicine innovation. Since that time, he's seen most of the ups and the downs that come with biotech leadership, and in his latest venture with the Flagship Pioneering-backed Ampersand, he's putting all those hard-fought lessons to good use. On this episode of the Business of Biotech -- the final (finally!) of several recorded at the JPM Healthcare Conference in January -- Gardner shares how and why he's applying his experience to the buildout of a precision medicine platform company, his thoughts on how big data and AI are influencing the precision medicine space and putting the "tech" in "techbio," his company's acquisition strategy, most recently demonstrated by Ampersand's acquisition of AbCheck, why "paranoid optimism" is central to his company's culture, and much, much more. 

Register for Bioprocess Online’s Bio Expo Live, being held July 30th through August 1st . This inaugural expo is a fantastic opportunity for biopharma companies and contract manufacturers to evaluate the latest and greatest from the comfort of your desktop or mobile device. Conveniently, we’ve broken down the lineup into Upstream Solutions July 30th, Downstream Solutions July 31st, and Quality, Analytical, and Data Solutions August 1st. It’s absolutely free to register for this series of short, digestible, and interactive sessions -- just hit the links above to register for Bio Expo Live today!

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