Business Lunch podkast

Navigating Economic Slowdowns: Strategies for Summer Success

Do tyłu o 15 sekund
Do przodu o 15 sekund

Welcome to a new episode of Business Lunch. Today, we discuss practical strategies to navigate economic slowdowns, particularly during summer. They share insights on creative marketing, leveraging internal resources, and maximizing downtime. Whether you're experiencing a seasonal dip or a broader economic challenge, this episode is packed with actionable advice to keep your business thriving.


"The quickest way to drown out negativity is with an abundance of positivity."

"The Lord puts you into these situations knowing you can handle them. It's a test."

"Hard makes you resilient. Soft and easy doesn't make you resilient."


00:00 - Introduction

02:30 - Current Economic Trends

05:00 - Seasonal Slowdowns

10:00 - Strategies to Combat Slowdowns

15:00 - Leveraging Internal Resources

20:00 - Creative Marketing Ideas

25:00 - The Importance of Not Panicking

30:00 - Enhancing Offers and Bundles

35:00 - Acquisition Opportunities

40:00 - Long-Term Planning and Testing


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