Build Your Copywriting Business podkast

178. Combatting Anxiety-Inducing "What Ifs" with This Tactic

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It’s a question that pops into most aspiring—and even established—copywriters’ minds at some point: “What if I fail?” Our brains LOVE to catastrophize and fear the worst (just another great perk of being a human…). But if you notice yourself descending into a spiral of negative thoughts, the good news is that one simple method can combat all of your panic-inducing “what if” scenarios.

If you’re the type of person who tends to give yourself a hard time over every little setback (yes, we’re looking at you, high achievers!), you’ll definitely want to listen in to today’s episode. Join Nicki and Kate as they unveil a powerful tactic to reboot your confidence and remind you that, yes, you *can* do this!


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