Brief Talk Podcast by Underwear News Briefs podkast

Brief Talk Podcast – Thong Show Christian Mitchell

Do tyłu o 15 sekund
Do przodu o 15 sekund
Christian Mitchell Christian Mitchell shares his journey of making his own thongs and custom gear using a special sewing machine called a serger. He explains how he got into making thongs and the challenges he faced in learning how to sew with spandex. Christian discusses the different fabrics he uses, such as metallic spandex and faux Louis Vuitton fabric, and the importance of finding high-quality materials. He also talks about the customization options for thongs and the growing popularity of thongs in the men's underwear market. Christian encourages others to give it a try and offers his expertise and advice for anyone interested in making their own thongs. Keywords thongs, custom gear, sewing, spandex, serger, metallic spandex, faux Louis Vuitton fabric, customization, men's underwear Takeaways Making your own thongs and custom gear can be a fun and rewarding hobby. Learning how to sew with spandex and use a serger machine is essential for creating professional-looking thongs. Finding high-quality fabrics, such as metallic spandex and faux Louis Vuitton fabric, is important for durability and aesthetics. Thongs are becoming increasingly popular in the men's underwear market, and there are many customization options available. Experimenting with different designs and materials allows for unique and personalized thongs. Titles The Rise of Thongs in the Men's Underwear Market The Journey of Making Thongs: From Hobby to Side Hustle Sound Bites "When I grabbed it from and trimmed it off, I realized that it made the exact same type of stitch that I was looking for, that nice clean stitch." "If you want to be really edgy and non-PC, go ahead and make your own thongs out of nylon-based spandex." "I will do my best. You know, if you don't like it, it's fine. You know, and they were willing to they were willing to pay money for him." Follows Christian - Support UNB For on going support join our Patreon - You can now Join for free.  For one time support  visit our support page - You can donate by Ko-fi or Paypal  Or buy from the UNB Store -  Read more at Follow unb on Twitter - Instagram - Reddit - Follow Tim Twitter - Instagrm - BlueSky - Send Feedback/questions to [email protected]

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