Bossed Up podkast

Why Non-Compete Agreements Can No Longer Derail Your Career

Do tyłu o 15 sekund
Do przodu o 15 sekund

How has your life been affected by a non-compete agreement? Whether you’re painfully familiar with these contract clauses, know someone who is, or just think our free market could be more free, the recent news that non-compete agreements are on their way out the door should give you a boost.

Those who have been boxed in by an employer’s non-compete agreement are absolutely not alone—they are baked into around 30 million Americans’ employment contracts. In this episode and blog post, I break down where non-competes came from, the issues they cause, and explore what a future without them might look like.

Find out what a world without non-compete agreements might look like:

  • What are they are and how they constrain employees;
  • The widespread impact of these contracts;
  • How will these changes affect the labor market;
  • How will employers protect their intellectual property from now on?

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