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Best Of The Aware Show With Louise Hay: You Can Heal Your Life with Affirmations – Part 1

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Do you believe that your mind plays a role in healing? Are you familiar with the power of positive affirmations? Today’s guest fully believes in the power of the mind and what an incredible honor it is to have on the show mega-bestselling author of “You Can Heal Your Life” Louise Hay. She is also the founder of the world’s largest self-help publishing company, Hay House.  Today she’s talking with Lisa about the movie “You Can Heal Your Life” which contains hours of footage and plenty of positive affirmations that you, too, can use to heal your life. 

Louise discusses her journey with cancer and how she took a positive approach to turn toward optimal health. She made the decision that she would heal her life and life brought her people who were all able to help including nutritionists, teachers, and others. After six months, the medical community declared her cancer-free. Her diet and affirmations were so important, but most importantly Louise says she learned to forgive. After a very challenging childhood filled with abuse, she knew she was carrying resentment and knew she needed to release it. She looked into the childhoods of her parents and realized they both came from very difficult places and passed along what they learned. This was the key to forgiving them both. She talks about affirmations which heal including, “All is well”; “Only good will come of this”; “Everything is working out for my highest good”;  and “I am safe.” This is Part 1 of the conversation, and we air this in her honor. Louise Hay made her transition on Aug 31, 2017, at the age of 90. Info: and

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