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Best Of The Aware Show with John Murphy: Become a Zentrepreneur

Do tyłu o 15 sekund
Do przodu o 15 sekund
What happens when you integrate the art of positive thinking and the freedom of spiritual well-being with the business of getting desirable results? You tap the extraordinary power and mystery of the Zentrepreneur.  What exactly is that?  Find out as Lisa talks to author and business consultant John Murphy about his latest book, “Zentrepreneur: Create a Culture of Innovation and Fearlessness.” In the last 20 years, there’s an awakening taking place. Once great companies have disappeared. John consults with businesses and companies and teaches Zen practices including listening compassionately. This combines the right and left brain. It all affects the bottom line. He is known as a “culture change” expert and explains how Zen understands the connectedness of all things. He invites us to use systems thinking to ask “why” questions. That method drills down into deeper knowledge and not just data. He suggests being present, aware, and awake when asking these questions. John also talks about how he meditates everyday using various methods and how it centers him.   John is an award-winning author, speaker, business consultant, and “Zentrepreneur.” Drawing on a diverse collection of experiences as a corporate director, collegiate football player, spiritual mystic, and management coach, John has written more than 15 books on building businesses with presence. Info:

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