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Best Of The Aware Show with Dr. John Mack: How Alien Encounters Affect Societal Consciousness

Do tyłu o 15 sekund
Do przodu o 15 sekund
 It seems there are more shows, podcasts, documentaries, and books than ever before about ETs, UFOs, UAPs, and alien contact. How has the phenomenon of aliens affected our consciousness? Why is it so prevalent today? Our esteemed guest today is John Edward Mack, M.D., a Pulitzer Prize-winning biographer and a professor of psychiatry at Harvard Medical School. He won the Pulitzer Prize in 1977 for “A Prince of Our Disorder,” his biography of T. E. Lawrence. Dr. Mack is the founding director of the Program for Extraordinary Experience Research (PEER) and today he  discusses how the phenomenon of alien experiences has affected the consciousness of our society. Dr. Mack embraced a worldview inspired by elements of spiritual and philosophical traditions which hold that we are all connected to one another. The theme of “connection” to other life was explored most boldly in his study of men and women who reported that recurrent alien encounter experiences had affected the way they regarded the world, including a heightened sense of spirituality and environmental concern. Dr. Mack recorded the experiences of people who were subjected to intelligence profoundly different from our own. He noted that these are healthy, normal people. They are credible and there are hundreds of thousands of people who have had these experiences. They have encountered other multiple dimensions. We are stuck in our restricted three-dimensional consciousness. Dr. Mack has shifted his consciousness and realized that Native People around the world are familiar with this phenomenon. They have had encounters with these beings. What is the difference between spirits and these extra-terrestrial beings? The spirit world is abstract. The “real world” is a physical world, but can spirit manifest as material? Dr. Mack has worked with diverse cultures around the world who have had these experiences. As a psychiatrist, he takes a thorough history of his patients, then evaluates them. Patients do not want to believe that this may have happened. They don’t understand the mystery of these experiences. This pattern of thinking shatters the view that we may be protected. But this is not the view of the indigenous people. It is a Western view to rule out any outer intelligence. This is shattering to the view of the experiencers. Western culture believes that we have control. This shows that we do not. It’s very threatening to our sense of security. If experiencers believe they have been subjected to aliens, they believe they are victims and their consciousness may be restricted. But if they can go into their fear, and experience it, staying with the intense energy, they will access another level of consciousness. It is possible for them to pass through the trauma and experience a profound connection to God/Source and other dimensions, even the beings themselves.  There is tremendous energy involved in these encounters. Dr. Mack discusses various types of beings that his patients have described. They present a dire warning about the impacts humans are having on the environment. The fact that these beings do not appear to us in a way that is possible to prove from a 3-D level of science, does not disprove that we are being visited. Our culture is becoming more and more aware of this phenomenon and the possibilities presented that we may not be alone in this universe. Info:

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