Balance365 Life Radio podkast

Episode 322: How to Stay Motivated When You Have a Lot of Weight to Lose

Do tyłu o 15 sekund
Do przodu o 15 sekund

Episode Overview

Hello everyone! Today Jen and Annie are discussing something they see many women struggling with: losing motivation when they have a lot of weight to lose. In today's episode, Jen and Annie explore the ups and downs of their weight loss journeys, sharing practical motivation strategies that can work for anyone. If you’re feeling discouraged or overwhelmed with your weight loss journey ahead, this is the episode for you!

And if you’re ready to get life-changing results like Annie, then we’d love to work with you. Get on our waitlist for Balance365 Group Coaching and learn the approach, mindset, and process we take our members through to help them lose weight without restrictions.

Key Points

  • How to manage expectations
  • The power of flexible goal-setting
  • Why we should embrace small victories
  • The importance of seeking tailored support
  • The key role of staying connected to your why

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Download a copy of this episode's transcript here.

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