@BEERISAC: OT/ICS Security Podcast Playlist podkast

Preparing for the potential worst day

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Podcast: Hack the Plant (LS 34 · TOP 5% what is this?)
Episode: Preparing for the potential worst day
Pub date: 2024-05-21

In this episode, Bryson Bort is joined by Paul Shaver, Global OT Security Practice Lead at Mandiant / Google Cloud to discuss the cyber threat landscape. How did Paul’s military background play a role in his decision to start working with control systems? What is the difference between an advanced persistent threat and a regular threat? What does Paul think is the best way to protect against documented threats from nation-state actors?

“I think if we're not doing a better job of protecting critical infrastructure, protecting our assets, any one of the nation state actors could cause that level of mass scale outage or destruction of capability. It comes down to being better prepared to protect these environments,” Paul said. 

Join us for this and more on this episode of Hack the Plant. 

Hack the Plant is brought to you by ICS Village and the Institute for Security and Technology.

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