Aspire to Lead podkast

304. Building Resilience in Education: Featuring Alison Smith

Do tyłu o 15 sekund
Do przodu o 15 sekund
In this thought-provoking episode, Alison Smith discusses the pressing challenges facing both educators and educational leaders, including burnout, compassion fatigue, emotional dissonance, and a lowered sense of mattering. Alison delves into how cultivating resilience can not only help individuals overcome these challenges but also build collective efficacy, which in turn positively impacts student success. We also explore how educational leaders can actively support and foster resilience within their teams, ensuring long-term well-being and productivity. Alison introduces the THRIVE Design Principles, a framework that can help schools and educators create environments that encourage growth, support, and resilience. About Alison Smith Alison Smith is an author, speaker, and coach specializing in burnout and resilience. She helps audiences nationwide harness the power of small acts of resilience to design thriving personal and professional lives. Alison has coached hundreds of highly-motivated yet highly-burnt out clients, including CEOs, leaders, teachers, entrepreneurs, and parents. Her work has been featured in various publications, and her book, “Drawing Your Line: Setting Boundaries Step by Step”, guides many to healthier living. Outside of work, she enjoys a good book with a glass of wine and spending time with her husband and two kids.

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