Recover To Flourish | Eating Disorder Recovery Podcast podkast

The Minnesota Starvation Experiment | How It Relates To Eating Disorders

Do tyłu o 15 sekund
Do przodu o 15 sekund

In this episode, I dive into the fascinating and eye-opening history of the Minnesota Starvation Experiment and explore how its findings relate directly to eating disorders today. We’ll discuss the psychological and physical effects of starvation observed during the study, how it parallels the experiences of those struggling with restrictive eating disorders, and what we can learn from it on the road to recovery. 

I break down the experiment’s key takeaways and how understanding them can help us navigate the complexities of recovery. 

Whether you’re in recovery, supporting someone who is, or just curious about the connection between starvation, the mind, and disordered eating, this episode is for you. 

Trust me, finding out about starvation and its biological impacts of it blew my mind. 


Instagram: @flourishwithciandra @recovertoflourish_pod
TikTok: @flourishwithciandra
Contact: [email protected]

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