Alpha Exchange podkast

VIX Went Cray Cray

Do tyłu o 15 sekund
Do przodu o 15 sekund

When an accident occurs, the insurance claims adjuster produces a report.  What does said report tell us?  The yen’s largely one way path lower took a dramatic turn that saw it rally by roughly 9% over just 3 weeks. The pricing fallout was everywhere – in curves, credit, correlation, convexity and carry. That’s a bunch of C’s, isn’t it. The cause of chaos: crowding. When markets misbehave, it’s natural to jointly evaluate two factors: the combination of “new news” and the “setup” going in. Over the course of this short podcast, I share some thoughts on this recent risk flare-up and what it tells us about market fragility.  I hope you find it interesting and useful.

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