3D Muscle Journey podkast

#274: Gut Health & Fat Loss

Do tyłu o 15 sekund
Do przodu o 15 sekund

Eric and Steve discuss how our food choices affect our weight, digestive system, and how we feel. They also go through dietary changes you can make to help optimize the functioning of your digestive system. Why is it important to give your body time to adapt to the dietary changes you make? What are some dietary adjustments you can try if you’re struggling with constipation or bloating? What is fiber and what are the potential benefits of consuming a high-fiber diet? Does it matter which foods you get your fiber from? How can fiber provide calories? How should you track fiber? How can you know if you are consuming enough fluids? The answers to these questions and many more are covered in this episode.


0:00- How changes in food choices, sodium intake, and bowel movement frequency can affect your weight

7:47- What is fiber?

14:41- How can fiber provide calories? How much can it provide?

20:07- Fiber is more than just soluble and insoluble

32:59- Some of the things Steve reviews when someone comes to him who is struggling with constipation or bloating

38:49- The potential benefit of getting your body used to smaller-sized meals, if you are used to very large meals

46:11- Fiber intake recommendations

48:44- How to know if you are consuming enough fluids

52:13- Other things to look at besides your total fiber intake if you are struggling with constipation

55:21- Sugar alcohols and giving your body time to adapt to the dietary changes you make

1:06:33- Is fiber essential, a high-fiber cereal that can help with constipation, and how all of this affects performance in the gym

Selected Links From This Episode

Monthly Applications In Strength Sport (MASS)- ⁠https://www.3dmusclejourney.com/mass⁠

Steve’s Website- http://stevetaylorrd.com

Steve’s Instagram- @stevetaylorRD

Steve’s YouTube- https://www.youtube.com/channel/UChfVYx4ck3pY275XlkiumGQ

Steve’s Facebook Page- https://www.facebook.com/stevetaylorRD

Steve’s Mailing List & Newsletter- http://eepurl.com/diZ6Gz

Strategies For Relieving Constipation- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qp7pbtPrfJ8&t=2s

Thanks for listening to The 3D Muscle Journey Podcast 💪 





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