Wild + Well-Fed Podcast podcast

S6 | EP 02 | Feminine vs. Masculine Lifestyle

Manda indietro di 15 secondi
Manda avanti di 15 secondi

In the first episode of the season, we discuss the importance between leaning into your feminine and putting an emphasis on living a feminine lifestyle. Today's hustle culture, 8-5 grind, and "American Dream" at all costs lifestyle has forced us into a very masculine state. In order to heal, we need to focus on getting back to our feminine roots.


Laura’s Info:

Instagram: @wildlyonswellness

Website: www.wildlyonswellness.com

Annika’s Info:

Instagram: @iamannikanicole

Website: www.annikanicole.com

Course + Products:

Wild + Well-Fed Course

Wild + Well-Fed Shop

Episode Links:

Strong Sistas Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/strong.sistas/

Altri episodi di "Wild + Well-Fed Podcast"