The MentorCruise Podcast podcast

Personal Branding with Anand Safi

Manda indietro di 15 secondi
Manda avanti di 15 secondi

In this episode, we're talking about the topic of personal branding, certainly a topic that's not uncontroversial. Maybe you remember something from our very first episode when our guest said the infamous quote:

> Personal Branding is a bit of a cringe term

And I think it comes down to one side of the spectrum being very against it, staying authentic at any cost, letting your work speak for itself. And on the other side, you maybe have people overdoing it a little bit and create a very authentic and brandable version of themselves.

Our guest today is luckily somewhere in between. Anand Safi is a very experienced engineering manager based in Canada. But if you go to his LinkedIn right now, you'll see him being invited on podcasts, into use industry panels, being on the board of a startup as well, and acting as a coach and a mentor on a variety of networks.

So today let's take the chance and learn from him directly on how we can use personal branding to open your doors for ourselves and also get access to more opportunities.

Altri episodi di "The MentorCruise Podcast"