The Climbing Injury Podcast podcast

Ep 2: Pulley Rehab and Patient Perspectives with Tom Randall and Molly Thompson-Smith

Manda indietro di 15 secondi
Manda avanti di 15 secondi

In this episode we deep dive into how to rehabilitate pulley injuries.
Since Stian managed to rupture his A4 pulley whilst bouldering in Fontainebleau, you'll get a real time insight into his rehabilitation process while we discuss the different approaches and concepts to best handle these injuries. Should we immobilize or load early? Should we climb or not? Which are the different ways of loading in a controlled way?

We're also joined by pro climbers Tom Randall and Molly Thompson-Smith, and we discuss their unique experiences dealing with pulley injuries.

0:00: Pulley rehab with Stian and James 

1:33:55: Interview with Tom Randall

2:14:45: Interview with Molly Thompson-Smith

Bosco et al (2022): Closed flexor pulley injuries: A literature review and current practice
Dubois et al (2020): soft-tissue injuries simply need peaCe and love
Miro et al (2021): Finger Flexor Pulley Injuries in Rock Climbers

Music: Lofi Summer Background - Vladislav Kurnikov

For more information about us, you can find us on Instagram and our websites:
James: @sheffieldclimbingclinic /
Stian: @stianchristophersen /

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