So Divine! podcast

Astrology and Tarot for October 2024

Manda indietro di 15 secondi
Manda avanti di 15 secondi
In this episode of So Divine!, Stephanie and Megan explore the celestial landscape for October. They start by discussing the Libra Solar Eclipse that occurs as the month begins and how it invites us to reflect upon the themes of relationship, truth, fairness, and harmony. With the Eclipse connecting to messenger Mercury, they note that while we’re galvanized to discuss, share, and learn, it’s important to be discerning when it comes to information gathering. They highlight how with both expansive Jupiter and dig-deep Pluto stationing retrograde within days of each other, we’re apt to experience big reveals and a desire to unearth that which has been hidden. They speak about this with a nod to the concept of the “October Surprise”—the potential for a news event to spark shifts in the political landscape—noting that whether movements happen in the world and/or in our personal lives, this month yields promise for significant transformation. They discuss the activated Aries Full Moon and how since it weaves in connections with both Mars and Pluto, we may find ourselves needing to move through conflicts to champion what we truly desire. Stephanie chooses a Tarot card at random--the Chariot--and Megan explains the beautiful synchronicity of this card and how it encourages us all to go after our dreams.

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