Retail Transformation Show with Oliver Banks podcast

315: The 10-Second Customer Journey

Manda indietro di 15 secondi
Manda avanti di 15 secondi

In the digital world, consumers have an incredible volume of choice, with great visibility but also subject to near infinite distractions. So as retailers, when we have a moment of a customer's attention, we need to consider how to make the most of it. Todd Unger, the Chief Experience Officer of the American Medical Association and author of The 10-Second Customer Journey joins to explore more and share how commerce companies can drive meaningful transformation.

Listen to this episode to hear:

  • How customer perception is rapidly formed.
  • Why there are no excuses not to offer a state-of-the-art customer experience.
  • How to understand the customer journey from your customer's point of view.

The show notes are at

Altri episodi di "Retail Transformation Show with Oliver Banks"