Ottoman History Podcast podcast

Ottoman Passports

Manda indietro di 15 secondi
Manda avanti di 15 secondi
with İlkay Yılmaz hosted by Sam Dolbee
| Passports are objects at once momentous and mundane. How did they come about in the late Ottoman Empire? In this episode, İlkay Yılmaz discusses the history of this technology, and how the state effort to manage information about identity and control people's movement emerged alongside international police efforts to control anarchist and revolutionary subjects between different empires in the late nineteenth century. With this new technology, the ability to control people's movement also became contingent on the photograph and connected to late Ottoman politics of migration and ethnicity. She also discusses how these state efforts to limit people's movement through the technology of the passport have echoes in the present, even in her own life.         « Click for More »

Altri episodi di "Ottoman History Podcast"