Oscar Wild podcast

Oscar Contenders II: Cinematography and Film Editing

Manda indietro di 15 secondi
Manda avanti di 15 secondi

For their continued discussion of the craft categories, Nick and Sophia look at two of their favorite technical aspects in moviemaking: Cinematography and Film Editing (38:05). Listen as they talk through each nominee and share captivating facts about each production!

Lol Crawley & The Brutalist featurette: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=80zMHi_bxjM&ab_channel=Variety

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Follow Nick @sauerkraut27

Follow Sophia @sophia_cim

More content including updated predictions @ oscarwild.squarespace.com

Music: “The Greatest Adventure” by Jonathan Adamich

Altri episodi di "Oscar Wild"