Off Trail podcast

Who is Moondog?

Manda indietro di 15 secondi
Manda avanti di 15 secondi

Welcome back to the Off Trail Podcast!

Today we have the privilege to sit down and chat with the one and only, Moondog!

A conversation that enters into the depths of the complete unknown on our end, the world of "thru-skating." Having no idea where this chat will go, but fueled by curiosity and willingness to learn, we begin to find out all about this long distance sport.

First things first, we learn about Moondog and his journey towards thru-skating. We chat about being a hiker since he was a kid, taking up skateboarding to remain a part of his best friends life, and thru-hiking when a skateboard is on top of your pack.

We chat community around thru-skating, dozens compared to thousands, and if having the skills to hike and skate the magical combination of the two. We chat about learning balance, learning how to fall well, and the dynamics of becoming a thru-skater.

We talk whether thru-hiking or thru-skating has more of an importance to Moondog and dive deep into the best ice breaker ever. We chat about the abnormalcy of seeing a skateboard in the swamps of Florida and lost hikers in Colorado. We ask how he explains these situations to other hikers, and he says it is simple, a single question. "Where is the parking lot?"

We discuss what qualifies a thru-skate, naming a dog and a skateboard, and then dive deeper into his journey. We talk a route he and a friend created through New Mexico 480~ miles long. We talk about perception of locals and strangers when the method of travel is a skateboard and not hiking. We learn about the hidden gem of being mistaken for homeless and the true representation of kindness it unlocks in people. Pure kindness distilled when there is no context.

We chat fuel, physical and metaphorical. We learn about bad days on a skate and headwinds. We learn about the flexibility of a situation and sometimes to continue skating, one must pick up their board and walk for safety. Traffic, small road shoulders, and weather all impact this adventure just as it does a thru-hike.

We talk mileage, physical impact on the body, and tiredness compared with hiking. We learn how to pick a road, using satellite maps, and how to build a route. We chat the life giving force of water and the necessity it becomes in any long distance endeavor.

We then get a Off Trail exclusive, one time and one time only, we talk about gear. We rarely if never talk about gear on this show, because to recommend gear, is to not understand gear. The variety, personal preference, body shape, hiking style, is so different for everyone, that gear only works, if it works specifically for you. Anyway, we chat gear, out of curiosity, as we know nothing about thru-skating.

We chat wheels, bearings, boards, and not carrying spare parts. We go off on a tangent to learn about companies building specifically for this endeavor and while not directly marketing as "thru-skating" gear, that most of the boxes and needs are checked.

We talk about the wonderful absurdity of human powered extreme goals. We learn about skateboarding 300+ miles in 24 hours and are baffled but also impressed by the strength of someone who lives, breathes, and lives to skate. We then talk about cheeseburgers and want to eat a few.

We chat seeking different challenges and goals. Scaling human powered endurance to what fits your needs and wants. We discuss the idea that Moondog has been growing of skating from Mexico to Canada along his own route. We chat comfortability and growth of exploring freely. We then get lost down a deep tangent that could last for hours...

We chat red-line goals, personal, communal, and dangerously tread the water of an idea of a new show lost in our own personal flavor of lunacy.

A great chat with Moondog, thank you for sharing!

To learn more about Moondog:

Instagram: @rooptown

To learn more about who we are click below:


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