Islamic History podcast

S1- Chronology E7- 822-874A.D.|Islam in Europe|Rise of dynasties|Education in Islam|Black Revolt

Manda indietro di 15 secondi
Manda avanti di 15 secondi
We will learn about the Al Ziryab the famous musician of Cordoba, The Aghlabids capturing Sicily, The rise if Mutajilites and atrocities by them on muslim Ulemmas, Capturing Palermo of Italy, Al Khwarizmi the father of Algebra, Establishment of Hanbali School of Fiqh, Setting up of first university of the World University of Kairouan, Anarchy at Samarra, The rise of Tulunids, The Great Zanj Revolt led by black slaves, Compilation of Sahih Muslim.

Altri episodi di "Islamic History"