Fairway Performance Podcast podcast

101: Key Insights from Your Top 10 Instagram Golf Questions

Manda indietro di 15 secondi
Manda avanti di 15 secondi

From improving your swing speed and managing lower back pain to mastering mobility programs and training as you age, we cover a broad spectrum of topics that matter most to you, the listeners.

In This Episode, You'll Discover:

  1. Techniques to Increase Swing Speed: Learn the key practices that can help you add more power to your swing.
  2. Aging and Golf: Tips on how to adapt your training regime to stay at the top of your game as you age.
  3. Managing Lower Back Pain: Insights into common causes of back pain among golfers and how to address them.
  4. Effective Mobility Programs: Explore mobility exercises specifically designed for golfers to enhance performance and reduce injury.

Plus much more!

Links and Resources:

4 Exercise Warm Up For Golfers

How To Fix Back Pain From Golf

If you want to talk about building a customised fitness program to improve your best asset on the golf course click here to book a call to chat with Shaun!  

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