Faces Of CI podcast

ANDY CHEN | Momentum Contact Facilitator Training

Manda indietro di 15 secondi
Manda avanti di 15 secondi
Welcome to Faces of CI - the podcast of conversations in Contact Improvisation. We are joined today by our newest graduate of our Momentum Contact Facilitator Training - Andy Chen (USA / Portugal) ● From the episode "I really love the jams where I get to dance with a lot of bodies. There's a little feeling of "ok, I had a dance and it wasn't that great" But I still went back in. Then I had a nice dance. That idea that it's always different, and I get to choose to have another chance of feeling joy. For me that's a big change in my mindset. Where in other forms of activities, I might just leave and not come back. For some reason with contact, I keep wanting to go back. That's what it's about." ● Join our next trainings online and in person at www.momentum-contact.com Find Andy on Instagram @casa_eira and @charlopants and us @facesofci Dance later, Aalia

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