Earth Regenerators Podcast podcast

Episode 16 - Will Ruddick on Community Currencies, Trust and Value

Manda indietro di 15 secondi
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In this episode, Jakob Seidler and Steven Morris are talking with Will Ruddick, founder of Grassroots Economics in Kenya, where he has lived for the last 14 years. Grassroots Economics has helped develop communities design their own value flow systems around the world and thereby helped thousands of small businesses, churches and schools take an active role in their own economy and development. After transitioning from paper ledgers to centralized digital infrastructure, they have now chosen to use an open-access, blockchain based approach to help communities implement the results of a their design process into a local currency/voucher system within days. We talk about all that and most importantly: the role of trust in fostering community. Enjoy!‌

The Hosts:

Jakob Seidler lives the life of a happy generalist, working on various regenerative projects under the banner of the Barichara Ecoversity.

Steven Morris is a weaver in the tech and regeneration space working with Holochain, the Doomer Optimism Podcast and Warm Data Labs.

This podcast is a decentralized platform for the regenerative community. Anybody on Earth Regenerators can propose or record their own episode! So if you are already on Earth Regenerators, contact Jakob Seidler if you have an idea for a future interview or audio-essay. And if you are not on there yet, come and join us for regular learning journeys on the athway to regeneration, inspiration from the many regenerative projects reporting there and a wonderful community woven around mutual support!

Let’s regenerate the earth!

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