Baba Yaga's Magic podcast

BYM020 - The Magic of the Rushnyk

Manda indietro di 15 secondi
Manda avanti di 15 secondi

The word rushnyk translates as “towel” but a rushnyk is not a mere rag to dry our hands – a rushnyk is an embroidered talismanic cloth used for empowering us throughout our lives. These intricately woven or embroidered cloths protect and bless us from birth to death and every major life event in between. They are used to bless the bread and salt that we offer honored guests, they are used in ritual and they hang above the sacred icons in the holy corner of our homes. In this episode, Madame Pamita will take you on a journey to discover the magic of these beautiful talismans, tell you how the rushnyk was used in ceremonies of the past, and teach you how you can use one in your own magic today.

Altri episodi di "Baba Yaga's Magic"