Arabic Language Learning (5amsa Arabi) podcast

Greetings and polite expressions in Egyptian Arabic Part 1

Manda indietro di 15 secondi
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I tried to include as many useful greetings and courteous expressions  as I could on this page, focusing on the expressions used in Egypt (so  when I say "Colloquially people say such-and-such," I'm referring to  Egypt).  In some cases, I gave a standard variant and then detailed the  colloquial usage below.  Also, I gave everything in the masculine form,  just because it's easier than including the feminine and plural forms  for everything.

Do make sure to memorize the proper responses to each expression; it  can be quite awkward if someone tells you something nice and you don't  know what to say back!  If you don't know the right response, no one  will get angry at you, but if you do know what to say, it can make a  really nice impression.  Conveniently, usually the main verb in the  response comes from the same root as the main word used in the first  expression — for example, "ma3a s-salāma," "salāmtak," "Hamdillāh  3as-salāma" and "sallimli 3a...," which all have words from the s-l-m  root.  They all have the same response, "allāh ysallimak," with another  s-l-m root word.  So if you keep that in mind, it helps in remembering  the right response.

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