Manda indietro di 15 secondi
Manda avanti di 15 secondi

Finances are the #1 stress in a stressed out America right now. With inflation, job changes, and uncertainty in the economy, it’s not a surprise! But God has seen it all before, and He gives us so much guidance in the Bible.

This episode does not focus on any specific budgeting philosophy, but instead focuses on three Biblical principles:

  1. Not idolizing money (through overspending, overseeing, or over-stressing)
  2. Planning where our money goes through monthly budgeting
  3. Giving, regardless of our circumstances

In general, the best thing we can always do is to recognize and remember that God loves us and will always take care of us. We say the prayer with the Surrender Novena:

“Oh Jesus, I surrender myself to you. Take care of everything.”

Altri episodi di "The Better Part - Intentional Living for Christian Moms with a Bible-Loving Catholic Mama"