What Works podcast

EP 485: Broken Links

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I'm back! Maybe you noticed or maybe you didn't—but the show (and my newsletter) has been on its longest hiatus since its inception. In the final quarter of 2024, I decided I wanted to (re)consolidate my web presence, abandon most "platforms," and breathe some new life into my work.

This episode reflects on both my own challenges with wrangling my online presence and the ways the state of the web has made it extra challenging. While there’s a lot to complain about when it comes to social media platforms and the billionaires wreaking havoc in online and offline spaces, this isn’t that kind of episode. It’s an effort to illuminate some less obvious issues that, in turn, can help us figure out what we want to do next.

If you've been feeling a bit blah or displaced or just overwhelmed in your online work lately, I hope this episode gives you a fresh mental model for making sense of those feelings. And I hope that model gives you the inspiration it's given me.


You can check out the What Works archive at whatworks.fyi - where you’ll find a written essay version of this episode. Plus, you can find out more about working with me to turn your own meaningful ideas into remarkable content. 

  • (00:00) - What even is a website today?
  • (05:17) - 1. Website Metaphysicsp
  • (11:32) - 2. Digital Homelessness
  • (18:05) - 3. Google Hates Broken Links the Way NIMBYs Hate Tent Cities
  • (22:37) - 4. Digital Hoarding
  • (34:51) - 5. Rebuilding
  • (40:59) - Credits
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