TNT Radio podcast

Nathan Livingstone & Jim Wilmott on The Melinda Richards Show - 01 July 2024

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GUEST 1 OVERVIEW: Nathan Livingstone is a freelance filmmaker and Video Editor. In 2021 Nathan was fired from his job as a forklift driver because of vaccine mandates and started creating videos pointing out the hypocrisy, corruption and overall tyranny of the Covid response. By 2023, the videos have amassed tens of millions of views.

GUEST 2 OVERVIEW: Jim Willmott is a long-term defender of the rights of regional communities. Inspired by his love of rural Queensland, Jim has led many successful initiatives protecting the rights of farmers and their properties. He has played an active role in many organisations, standing up to government and commercial entities that ride rough shot over people’s livelihoods and property rights. Jim now leads Property Rights Australia (PRA), a grass roots organisation that supports local communities whose property rights are under threat and their voices are not being heard.      

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