the Way of the Showman podcast

126 - We are the Children pt 2 of 2 (Showmanship & Play 18)

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Human beings are never finished. We are always changing. Society and culture might push us to become quantified and predictable, but we all are influenced by our surroundings, the people, relationships, and the cultures we surround ourselves with becomes part of us. We take in certain things and discard others. I belive the most beneficial way to navigate the world is through play. This means that our best way onwards through our lives is to retain this mode of behaviour, play, which is so caractheristic of the young in all mammalian species way into adulthood. In this way we can say that the most beneficial way to be in the world is a childlike way.
But we are children in more than in our behaviour. We look like children. An adult human being has many features that is normally found in the young of chimpanzees. Our physiology is childlike, if you compare us to our closest living relatives amongs the great apes.
The greatest times of our lives are almost exclusively counted as those that had us completely immersed in the moment. When we are in life, located at the heart of Saturday Night, as Tom Waist called it, we are most happy. We inerupts the games of our kids to ask: what are you going to do when you grow up? Whilst what we should be asking is how can I be as constantly immersed in life as you? The role model for a happy life is the child. Let the little children be our teacher.
The best of us are those that are the most like children. This is my faith. I am most proud of myself in the moments I embody the values of a child. My daughter is the consumate example for me. As much as it annoys me that I have to remind her six time about brushing her teeth, since she is perpetually interupted by her playful interactions. I need to ask how did I ever forget to be like you? How can I find what's left of you in me? 

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