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The Inquisitorial band are making their way toward the Filth Lord! Gideon (Josh Halbot, @baesier_crane) survived his perils of the warp and protected his allies, Morgan (Del Borovic, @deltastic) distracted the marine with sniper fire, Attikus (Tyler Hewitt, @Tyler_Hewitt) killed his third astartes opponent, and Valentyne (Ryan LaPlante, @theryanlaplante) realized Attikus might be an Imperial Saint. Will Origath help them get off planet or will Pustulus prove to be their downfall? Featuring our Game Master, Tom McGee (@mcgeetd).


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Artwork by the brilliant Del Borovic

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Want to play the 40K adaptation of Genesys yourself? You can find the rules at: https://genesys40k.com/

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