The Ultimate Pregnancy Prep Podcast podcast

98: This is the #1 fertility zapper

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Never before have women been in such a hurry to do so many things for so many people, and while the pace of modern life has drastically increased, our physical biology has not kept up. And by natural consequence, this stressful, fast paced lifestyle has detrimental consequences on all areas of women’s health including her nervous system, her adrenal glands, her digestive system, her emotions and (im saving the best for last) her reproductive system. In today’s episode I share my thoughts on what the #1 fertility zapper is and what you can do to get a handle on it.  

Episode Highlights:

  • The detrimental impact “rushing” has on women’s health
  • Why stress in our modern day, fast paced life is contributing to infertility
  • Why it's important to considering your lifetime stress load when healing your hormones
  • How perceived stress impacts your hormones
  • How the brain and body communicates for optimal hormone production
  • How to order the DUTCH test 

Related Links:

For full show notes and related links:

Please Note: The contents of this podcast are for educational and informational purposes only. The information is not to be interpreted as, or mistaken for, clinical advice. Please consult a medical professional or healthcare provider for medical advice, diagnoses, or treatment.

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