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Something *super* simple (but of course these things are never all that easy) for you this week on ​The Transforming Anxiety Podcast​...3 little words that can change relationships AND anxiety. In a good way.




When we are willing to say this, I believe you, it creates space for understanding and compassion.

When we offer this, I believe you, it has the potential to connect, instead of separating us from the people in our lives.

When we can pause and get out of the way, I believe you, it allows us to really hear what's happening...not through our own lens, but through someone else's.

This brings people closer together.

This regulates our nervous system.

This is love.

Join me for this week's episode and let's talk about it. I believe you...

Full show notes are located at: www.kellyhanlinmccormick.com/podcast/260 

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Text PODCAST to +1 (816)354-1279 and I'll send mindfulness reminders, anxiety hacks, and little love notes your way from time to time...

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