The L&D Career Club Podcast podcast

7 Mindset Shifts to Make While Navigating an L&D Career Transition

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I'm going to let you in on the best kept secret when it comes to your strategy for finding and landing your dream L&D role...

Strategy is only going to be 10% of your success. 

The other 90%? Your mindset.

In today's episode I uncover 7 mindset shifts that will change the way you look at how you're approaching your L&D career transition.

If you've ever thought:

💭 "I need more certifications to be qualified..."

💭 "I hope someone takes a chance on me soon..."

💭 "I need to redo my resume AGAIN..."

💭 "I don't know how my skills translate into L&D..."

💭 "I'll never find another job like that one again..."

💭 "More money will mean working more hours..."

...then today's episode is a must listen for you.


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