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Getting Help is a strength not a weakness. 

Getting help is an act of kindness for you, and for others.

You can go farther, faster with help.

Help helps you and helps you help others. 


“When have you been at your strongest?'' asked the boy ``When I dared to show my weakness.”


“What is the bravest thing you have ever said?”  “Help,” said the horse.


“Asking for help isn't giving up, '' said the horse, '' it's refusing to give up. “ 


- Charlie Mackasy


Coaching is a form of help.  

Yoga is a form of help.

Community is a form of help.


When has help helped?

What keeps you from getting help when you need it?

What if you wanted help rather than needed help?


Opportunities to get help:

Join the  Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction course with Dr. Ni-Cheng Liang and Dr. Karin Schiff starting 9/19.  Www.awakenbreath.org


Sign up for Mindful coaching https://www.jessiemahoneymd.com/jessie-mahoney-md


Join mindful yoga for healers- offered most Saturdays.  https://www.jessiemahoneymd.com/mindful-yoga-zoomlink


Join a mindful coaching and yoga retreat amidst the wildflowers. Registration open for March and April 2022. https://www.jessiemahoneymd.com/yoga-retreats

Join the Mindful Healthcare Collective Facebook Group: 



Find out about The Mindful Healers Podcast: https://www.jessiemahoneymd.com/mindful-healers-podcast

*Nothing in this episode should be considered medical advice

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