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Welcome back for Part 2 of our fantastic recent Vienna event. Nadia Koski is back with the second wave of exclusive interviews from The Digital Distillery.
On today's show we hear from:

Milan Vidovic from GroupM
Maresa Wolkenstein from COPE
Andreas Grasel from Adform
Carina Kaiser from SlopeLift

That will wrap up our actual events for the year but we will have plenty more coming on this channel in the coming weeks. Stay Tuned!

This episode is brought to you as always by The Digital Distillery.

If you would like to get in touch with us you can head to our website or email [email protected]

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Written, Produced & Engineered by Phil McDowell
Executive Producer: Nadia Koski
Project Leads: Dennis Kirschner

D'autres épisodes de "The Digital Distillery Podcast Network"