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To wrap up the week, today’s episode is a permission slip to help weekend you approach things with a little more compassion.

*Check out the latest Solo Adventure - Managing Your Time and Energy, here! Sign up for my weekly Letters of Rebellion here!


About Meg & The Daily Pep!

I’m Meg and I’m the host of The Daily Pep! and The Couragemakers Podcast and founder of The Rebel Rousers. I’m a coach, writer and all-round rebel-rouser for creative and multi-passionate women to do the things only they can do and build a wholehearted life. When I'm not recording episodes, writing bullshit-free Letters of Rebellion to my wonderful Couragemakers community or hosting workshops/group programmes, I'm usually covered in paint or walking my wonderfully weird cockapoo Merlin. Website | Instagram | The Couragemakers Podcast Letters of Rebellion | Rebel Creators

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