The Bulletproof Musician podcast

Are Great Sight-Readers Born or Made?

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In the age-old debate about nature vs. nurture, I know the correct answer for most things is that it's a blend of both.

But sight-reading, at least for me, always felt like one of those things which leaned more on the nature side than nurture. Some folks just seem to have a knack for it, while I always struggled.

But what does the research say? Could I have gotten better at sight reading if I applied myself more diligently?

And what would that have even looked like anyways? Are there specific things that I could have worked on, that would have made me a better sight reader?

A 2014 meta-analysis provides some clues and pinpoints a few specific skills that could help you improve your sight-reading ability as well.

Get all the nerdy details right here:
Are Great Sight-Readers Born or Made?

* * *
Have you been feeling a little stuck or stagnant in the practice room? Or has performance anxiety been a nagging issue that hasn’t gotten any better, no matter how prepared you feel before performances, auditions, or even lessons for that matter?

If you’ve been wanting to experience more joy in the practice room and play more like yourself on stage, but haven’t been quite sure how to make that happen, starting June 18, 2024, I’ll be teaching a live, online, accelerated 2-week class on the most essential mental skills and practice strategies that can make a difference in your practicing and performing.

We’ll meet twice a week via Zoom and work on a series of exercises and techniques in four essential skill areas (effective practice, managing anxiety, focus, and confidence), together as a group. And to make sure the concepts become consistent habits, I'll show you how to gently integrate these new skills into your (or your students’) daily practice through bite-sized practice challenges alongside a supportive group of practice buddies from around the world.

Registration is open now through 11:59pm on Sunday, June 16th.

Over 1500 musicians, educators, and students and learners of all ages have participated in the course to date. You can find out what alumni are saying, and sign up to join Cohort 18 at:

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