The Art of Slowing Down podcast

Ep 68: How to Leverage Your Natural Sensitive Superpowers & Supportive Supplements with Jessi Michel Agadoni (6/2 Emotional Manifestor)

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This is one of my favorite episodes! I learnt so much from Jessi about the being a Highly Sensitive Person and how we can leverage our Natural Sensitivity especially as an online entrepreneur. Jessi is a Well of Wisdom, especially when it comes to supplements. She is using her highly intuitive approach, plus the Magic of her 2 line talent. No matter what you are currently struggling with health wise, especially with Gut problems - Jessi may have some very wise guidance that can change your life. Jessi is a 6/2 Manifestor with Emotional Authority, her Conscious Sun is in Gate 25.

About Jessi:

Jessi Michel Agadoni is a Natural Sensitive Guide and Restorative Healer. Sensitive from birth Jessi spent much of her life feeling different and out of place in this world. Her body struggled to handle the common human experience and she was often told she was too much. She repressed her sensitive nature to fit in and it quickly manifested into physical illness. Over the past 15+ years Jessi dove deep into the healing world and slowly began to rebuild her body. It wasn’t until she discovered Dr. Elaine Aron’s work on Sensory Processing Sensitivity that she began to understand her unique self. Honoring her sensitivity became the focus that accelerated her healing journey. In 2018 she was introduced to Human Design and gained immense clarity. As a 6/2 emotional Manifestor with the left angle cross of healing, Jessi began to understand her path. Healing her body became a calling that was much greater than herself. She opened up a practice called Mêrfleur Wellness, where she now teaches Sensitives how to rebuild their calm and resiliency to create sustainable health. She deeply believes that if all Sensitives live in alignment with their sensitivity the world will be a much more beautiful and peaceful place. Her purpose is to help Sensitives cultivate success without succumbing to constant overwhelm, anxiety, depression, auto-immunity, or any other body imbalance that could prevent them from having the impact they are called to have on this world!

How to get in touch with Jessi:

Jessi's Authentic Calm Podcast

Jessi's IG:

Jessi's Website:

How to get in touch with Analena:

E-mail: [email protected]

Analena's Website: - Analena's Instagram:

Aligned Living Academy: - Human Design Certification & Courses for Conscious Leaders

Are you a Manifesting Generator and are interested to work with Analena 1-on-1? Book your 30min Clarity call here.

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