The Alpha Male Coach Podcast podcast

Episode 297: Dukkha (Suffering)

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Brothers, I want you to listen closely because what I'm about to share is something that can truly transform your life. It's a pattern I've seen over and over again, and it's critical to understand if you want to break free from suffering. Let’s talk about the four quadrants of attachment and how they govern our experience.

When you have what you want—money, relationships, status—you're attached. You fear losing these things. This fear leads to suffering. It's a desperate clinging, a hoarding mentality that controls you. You're afraid to lose your bank account, your job, your relationship. The fear of loss is ever-present.

Now, shift to the top-right quadrant. You want something but don’t have it. This desire, this craving, eats at you. You compare yourself to others, believing your life would be better if you had more money, a better job, a loving relationship. This constant comparison and craving create immense suffering.

Let's move to the bottom-left quadrant. Here, you have what you don't want. Maybe it’s a debt, a physical condition, or a difficult relationship. You resist these realities, and this resistance breeds anger and a victim mentality. You think, "My life would be better if I didn’t have this." This aversion to what is causes deep suffering.

Finally, the bottom-right quadrant: you don't have something, and you don't want it. You're afraid of getting what you don't want—disease, financial ruin, a bad relationship. This fear of potential future problems keeps you in a state of anxiety.

Here’s the key, brothers. We've been conditioned to focus externally, to see everything through the lens of these quadrants. But there's a way out. The solution is to shift our focus internally. Understand that your thoughts and senses are external stimuli. By redirecting your consciousness inward, you can break free from these patterns of attachment.

In the academy, we teach cognitive mastery and emotional ownership to help you make this shift. By embracing the present moment and accepting reality without resistance, you can end your suffering. Elevate your alpha by focusing internally, brothers. This is the path to true freedom and peace. Until next week, elevate your alpha.

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