That's Helpful with Ed Stott podcast

Ditch the Diet & Become the Healthiest You EVER with Leslie Schilling

Reculer de 15 secondes
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Ready to get off the toxic dieting cycle & start actually eating healthy? You’re in the right place because my guest today is THE expert in this.

If you're sick of starting the New Year feeling like THIS is the year you stick to the diet only to feel gutted when you inevitably "fall off the wagon" a few days later this is for you.

This is the year you heal your relationship with food, nourish your body with ease, become healthier than you've ever been & make room in your brain for JOY. It all starts with this conversation.

Leslie Schilling is a non-diet dietician, nutrition therapist and author.

She is on a mission to help you spot diet culture in your everyday life & teach you how to finally become free of its lies.

Connect with That's Helpful on Instagram.
Find Leslie on Instagram & via her website.

Feed Yourself

Intuitive Eating 101

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