That's Helpful with Ed Stott podcast

5 SUPER Simple Steps to Start Investing with Bryce Leske & Alec Renehan

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Spolier alert: you don't need much money, time or a fancy spreadsheet - it's genuinely SUUUUUPER simple. In less than 30 minutes, you'll learn the essentials to start making your money, make money. 

Women often receive REALLY bad advice when it comes to money - we’re often told to scrimp & save whereas men are encouraged to ask for the raise, start a business,'s easy to feel like this isn’t for you.

Today we’re going to de-bunk all that, show you it’s not a dark art & leave you feeling confident to grow your wealth.

Bryce Leske & Alec Renehan are the hosts of Get Started Investing & they’ve gathered the 5 essentials you need to get started.

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Get Started Investing

Get Started Investing

This episode covers: pinvesting, ETFs, savings, compounding, crypto, financial literacy, women and investing, barriers to investing, diversification, investment platforms.

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