Talking Rubbish podcast

29. Rubbish decision? The shift to monthly bin collections

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Bristol is considering a shift to a 4-weekly general bin collection. What’s behind this decision, and how could it help boost recycling rates? In this episode, we dive into the strategies councils are using to optimise waste collections, examining those getting it right and others that still have room for improvement in the ongoing search for the ideal frequency of collection. Plus, how is garden waste recycled, are glasses (of the spectacle variety) rubbish or not, and how clean does our recycling actually need to be?

Join hosts James Piper and Robbie Staniforth as they delve into the world of recycling, hopefully having fun along the way. One thing is for sure, they will talk absolute rubbish from start to finish.

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Or you can contact James and Robbie with questions or just general rubbish musings using the email address [email protected] or by texting them via WhatsApp

Relevant links and reports mentioned in the programme can be found on the Talking Rubbish

Transcripts and episodes can be found on the Talking Rubbish website

How is garden waste recycled? - 12:02
Should councils move to 4-weekly collections? - 23:01
Rubbish or Not: glasses (spectacles) - 47:27
How clean does our recycling need to be? - 49:54

Music licence ID: 6WPY8Q4O2RPFIOTL

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