Sacred Work podcast

246. Four strategies for being less BUSY and making more progress

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The last quarter of the year always tends to be more hectic. And that “busy-ness” usually comes from the pressure we put on ourselves as we look at the plans we’ve set for the year and evaluate how much of that we actually achieved. And when it’s nowhere close to where we would want it to be, we get overwhelmed and we start cramming whatever we can get done before the “deadline”. 


But being busy is not enough if you’re not intentional. Busy makes you feel good because it gives you this sense of accomplishment that things are getting done, but are they actually moving you towards your goals? Let me show you different strategies that will help you handle that feeling of being so busy and overwhelmed, to make sure you're doing things that are completely aligned with your goals and move your business forward. 


In this episode:

+ Understanding where the pressure is coming from in your business

+ Different platforms I use to organize my business and personal life

+ Strategies for sorting out your weekly priorities and setting realistic targets

+ Celebrating small milestones and getting intentional with your goals


***10 Secrets to Reaching $10k Months [FREE DOWNLOAD]: ***





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