Secret Sonics podcast

#203 - Embracing Your Inner Weird: Turning Quirks into Career Superpowers

Reculer de 15 secondes
Avancer de 15 secondes
Leaning into your authentic self, flaws and all, can become your greatest asset in building a standout career. In this offbeat episode, Ben and Carl dive deep into the quirky traits and tendencies that make them unique as music professionals.

Topics we discuss:
  • Why your quirks are more than just personality traits - they shape your artistic identity
  • How to harness your quirky strengths to attract your ideal clients and collaborators
  • Why facing your fears (even the irrational ones) can lead to creative breakthroughs
  • The underrated power of post-project follow-up in building lasting artist relationships
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This episode with edited by Gavi Kutliroff -

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