SEAMSIDE: Exploring the Inner Work of Textiles podcast

GENERATION: Eroding Foundations and Making It Right

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Time continually marching forward. Each new day just piles on top of yesterday and gets buried further back in what we have come to call history.

I think there's a problem with thinking about time that way, and that's what we're exploring today on SEAMSIDE. I'm going to share with you a quilt that I made called Generation. It's part of the Southern White Amnesia, a body of work that I've pulled together in the last couple years, exploring the stories that Southern White families tell each other and the ones they don't.

In this SEAMSIDE conversation, we explore:

① what to do with treasured but unusable family quilts

② how every quilt has something to teach us

③ how time plays with quilts

→ See images and more at the EPISODE WEBSITE

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